underneath the stars

Navigations are at the top.
bold italic underline

Wednesday, February 3, 2010
10:34 PM

Had two test 2dae, first test wad due to overconfidence+negative marking that killed me.Fortunately, for the second test, I manage to come up with the answers to the weird questions. Studying those small details that does not seem to be important does help in exam. Tara and Supernove- Time to love

Monday, February 1, 2010
9:59 PM

Heres another vid by Girl's generation: Oh!

Sunday, January 31, 2010
Ga-In I'm smiling
9:45 PM

I officially utilise this blog for my personal songs or MV that i listen to/watch when im free, stress, bored etc... Song: Ga-In I'm smiling.

Thursday, January 28, 2010
Short update
8:22 PM

Rather busy this time and i got finish a report that is only worth 2 credits. Nevertheless I will try my best to produce a decent report. Some videos below to relax your mind and mine too. Kpop. 1st song:in the beginning. 2nd:abracadabra 3rd: Bo peep Bo peep.The K-wave is going to last a decade or so.

Monday, August 10, 2009
11:47 AM

Damn 2dae is a public holidae. Gym is not even opened. So most likely i will be
slacking at home the whole day. Suddenly saw this cute video online lol.
wanna try this next time.

Sunday, August 9, 2009
National dAy!!
12:53 PM

Went to weiliang house to ton/thon/thorn wadever. Played majong there
At one particular match, somehow i decided to do something crazy
I bet u all have heard of the legendary 13 ya right, the godly tiles.
I had a feel of that but i 有緣無份. Why do i said that?

Thats the 12 yao i manage to complete. I had a sudden gust of energy flowing up on mi, as if the tiles is telling
me that legend will show itself again LOL. Thats when we played till the last tile of the deck,
putting aside the Hua deck. That guy discard the one and only tile i had been waiting for but
sadly since its the last tile, theres a rule that no1 can HU

There goes my $3.20 x 3. But having the chance to stun upon this, i also shuang.
Took the first 334 back to JE and 51 back home at 6am.

Saturday, August 8, 2009
eve of national day
4:19 PM

Long time since i update huh?
i would like to make a police report that my top row of buttons on blogger has been stolen.
That means no more pictures to be posted. Fark blogger.
National Day is veri near its tmr. Seeing a Singaporean who is china de hanging the flag on the
wall infront of their door, it makes me feel ashamed as real singaporean.
Optometry course is quite slack actually, just like pri school students, we are released at 1pm
even better than them who get released at 1 30pm =p Im freaking happy that i will pass biochem !
~~no retaining~~ We mayb from optometry but we doesnt even look like one. Thats the comment from a outsider.
Theres partyboy1 partyboy2 and partyboy3 with dragon, ahfit, gomugomu nooo, ahbeng, windrunner and ben 10.

This is the movie that im going watch
